The Party / Family / Non-Familial


Hide has friends and family! Big wip

The Party 🐾

Priestess of the Moonlit Shard Osuna

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Family 🐾

Hide has four parental units. This isn’t considered particularly strange; the Clans already have a kind of all-hands-on-deck type of approach to child rearing, so technically almost every adult in Bright Peaks was a type of “parental figure”, but Hide has four Main Ones. Their biological dad (Amber), their biological mom (Brook), their “ma”, who’s dating both biological parents (Lichen) and their dad’s sibling (Talon), who they called their “ancle” (Talon is nonbiney). Hide was very close with each of their parents but felt the most at ease with Talon. This was due to the fact that Amber, Brook and Lichen would often leave as part of the Caravan, which left a good chunk of Parenting Time to fall to Talon, since Hide didn’t join the Caravan much before leaving the Clans entirely.

They also have four siblings! Of their siblings, they were especially close to their elder sister, Lizard. Hide still tries to keep in touch with their family, but it’s difficult. They made an agreement as they were leaving that they would send letters to the nearest outpost, which Lizard visits around once every month or two to collect the letters and then attempt to send out letters written by the family. Hide sends a letter any time they leave an area letting them know where to send their current letters; however, as time has passed, Hide has become less and less on top of actually sending those out, and at this point their outgoing letters have slowed down to maybe three a year. They don’t get very much letters back.

The Clans use “she/her” for Hide because when Hide first started having gender feels and expressed this, when asked if they wanted people to change what pronouns were used, Hide just shrugged and said they didn’t care. And they don’t!


Amber Moon, Watching (Amber)
(he/him, cis man, bi)

Named after an especially cool blood moon that was happening at the time he was born. Amber is very outgoing, a true Dad Type, complete with dad jokes. Not very cool, very cheerful, jolly even. Big, booming laugh. He’s a short little guy, him and Hide being around the same height (5’0”). On that note, looks-wise Hide takes after him and they look quite similar, although Amber is heavier-set. He’s sturdy, reliable, but not always the most outwardly aware – he’s always willing to listen, but you might have to come right out with your issues rather than wait for him to pick up on the fact that something’s wrong.

He was mostly confused at Hide leaving, but tried to be supportive. He didn’t think Hide was actually going to be able to become a knight and didn’t really hide this fact, something Hide found insulting (and now finds embarrassing because ummmm he was right :P).

Brook Flowing Softly (Brook)
(she/they, nonbinary with left woman, doesn’t really interrogate what their sexuality is)

Brook is somewhat stoic, not very outwardly expressive and has a tough time talking through her feelings with others. She’s stern, not brutally so, but definitely more stern than Amber is. She originally came from the Whispering Dens Clan. She originally met Lichen at a Clan gathering, eventually began dating, and then left Whispering Dens to join Lichen at her clan, although she still goes to visit family members at Whispering Dens regularly. She met Amber through this, got along really well with him, and eventually they all began dating. Brook and Amber’s first pregnancy (Lizard) wasn’t planned, but the rest of the children were. Brook’s not extremely good with children socially, but Talon, Lichen and Amber more than made up for that. That said, she is fiercely dedicated to protecting and caring for her kids.

Brook probably took Hide leaving the hardest out of the parents; she was straight up angry and stayed angry up until Hide left, although she tersely wished them well. She finds the fact that Hide left to go “kill people” confusing and insulting. That said, she keeps most of her feelings on this to herself, despite gentle prodding by Amber, Lichen and Talon to let things out. She just doesn’t want to bum anyone out!

Lichen-Speckled Rock (Lichen)
(she/her, cis woman, bi)

Lichen is a big ole buff lady. She and Amber were childhood friends, but didn’t start dating until Amber started dating Brook. She’s very friendly and outgoing and has an easy time making friends; the social aspect of leaving on the Caravan (meeting new people) is probably her favourite part. Her grandparents were Manul Tabaxi that weren’t from the area and instead came back with one of the Caravans; she’s relatively tall compared to the other Tabaxi in the area (standing at a TOWERING 5’6”) and probably is distantly related to some other breed of Tabaxi. She had a great time with the kids when they were babies, she and Amber often playing with them while Brook watched.

Mixed feelings when Hide left; she didn’t really understand Hide’s motivation for it but understood that not everyone was happy to stay in the same place forever.

Eagle’s Gleaming Talon (Talon)
(xey/xem or they/them, nonbinary, no specific identity. Wibbly wobbly gender. aroace)

Talon is Amber’s sibling; they were very close growing up and just ended up living together when they got older. Talon is VERY aroace and has zero interest in pursuing any kind of relationship, but xey have always loved taking care of kids and were happy to help out once Amber and Brook started having children. Xey’re kind of a “stay at home ancle” in the sense that xey watch the kids while Amber, Brook and Lichen go off and do merchanty things. Maybe once every five or so years xey will leave to join them but in general xey don’t have much wanderlust. Xey are easygoing, accepting, extremely chill and not prone to panicking even during stressful situations. Xey have had a bad knee since childhood after xey broke it after a bad tumble and use a wooden cane, which xey carve xemself.

When Hide chose to leave xey were very sad, but were probably the most outwardly acceptive member of the family, something Hide took at face value and greatly appreciated. Internally, xey weren’t happy to see Hide go, and were nervous about what would become of them. Xey made it clear to Hide before they left that they could always return, something Hide ponders often as they try to make their way, but feels too ashamed currently to follow up on.

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Gleam on a Lizard’s Eye (Lizard)
(she/her, trans woman, lesbian)

Eldest child. Was the weird one of the family before Hide became the ultimate weird one by going off to murder people. Definitely has some kind of autism ADHD mix (undiagnosed bc they’re cats and live in the mountains). Prone to raptor-hands-ing. Lizard is the eldest sibling and the one Hide ended up becoming closest to; she was the only one who had the same level of endurance as Hide for running around mountain paths and falling off cliffs and slipping into snow drifts, etc. She’s easily distracted, prone to spacing out, and can commonly be found walking circles around the village deep in thought and borderline unresponsive. She has a pretty active imagination and writes a lot, mainly music (with a little bit of fiction writing on the side), often leaving as a part of the Caravan to perform as a bard. At one point she tried briefly to get into storytelling but didn’t end up being a very captivating oral storyteller. (It’s the flat affect.)

Lizard has a girlfriend within the Clan named Kid (Kid Startling in Starlight, kid as in baby goat. That baby goat saw it all, the whole birthing process and was clearly very surprised) who also performs with her, along with a couple of other musically-inclined Tabaxi who are older. Bard GFs!!! The Clans throw a huge party when the Caravan comes home and Lizard and her band will have a little concert with music they wrote about stuff that happened on their journey. Lizard is particularly close with Amber, Brook and Lichen since she comes along on their Caravan journeys; it’s a part of her life she really enjoys. The point in time when Hide was trying to join in are some of her fondest family memories.

Lizard is outgoing, extroverted (altho comes across as a little shy just due to social skill insecurity), easily excited when engaging with subjects that entice her and crushingly bored when the subject doesn’t. She doesn’t always have a good grip on handling her emotions, but it’s something she’s worked hard on getting a grip on over the years. She can also be quite blunt — something else she struggles with — which Hide has never minded. Hide is very good at not taking things personally and has never gotten mad at Lizard over moments of accidental rudeness, which Lizard has always appreciated and this ties into what makes their relationship so strong. Basically, Lizard has to mask less around Hide, something she doesn’t have the luxury of doing around a lot of her family members (except Talon, but Lizard is just naturally less close to Talon since xey stay behind during Caravan Time. Also less masking around Kid as well). Her family loves her and she gets along pretty well with everybody, but they still would have a :V reaction her just bluntly telling them to go away or something. Hide don’t care a bit! The fact that they were both prone to going on adventures as a kid just led to them hanging out a lot as they grew up. They’re buds! In general: Lizard is really close to her family, reasonably friendly with the rest of the Clan, and then fairly quiet around new people, at least at first.

When Hide announced they were going to leave the Clan Lizard took it especially hard and for a time refused to speak with them. Hide was scared they would have to leave without ever having made up, but the night before they set out Lizard came to them and played them a song they wrote for them about a brave young knight setting off on their own and gave them her blessing. Hide was extremely touched and still hums this song to themself on occasion. The song holds equal parts fond memories for them and also is kind of painful — they didn’t really end up becoming much of a knight after all — but it’s important to them as evidence of their sister’s love. They still remember all the words!

Appearance-wise, Lizard is somewhat unkempt. She has trichotillomania which varies in intensity depending on her level of stress. As a result her fur is rough-looking compared to other Manul Tabaxi and at its worst can start to look patchy (Manul fur is thick enough though that it’s hard to reach this point). She doesn’t do a lot of brushin’ either so she’s pretty scruffy. She’s bordering on tall (relatively speaking) at 5’3”, thin and doesn’t have much of an eye for fashion. She used to dress a little bit better because Hide would make outfits for her for funsies. Hide would also regularly try to brush out her fur, but now that Hide’s gone obviously that has stopped.

Fluttering Shadow (Shadow)
(he/him, cis man, gay)

Friendly little guy, conflict averse, injury averse, has anxiety, maybe a liddle depression. Hide used to bully him (affectionate) into going on adventures with them and Lizard but as they got older he got out of it more often. Hide feels the least close to him of all their siblings, but they’re still affectionate. Also tended to stay behind with the Clan instead of leaving with the Caravan due to worries over safety (he’s gone with them like, once? And didn’t really enjoy himself, didn’t like the new places and new people and new noises). He helps a lot around the village, does a lot of upkeep, repairs, buildin’, generally up for giving assistance when help is needed for any given task and other Tabaxi find him reliable and often come to him when they need an extra hand. Gels the least well with Lizard of all the siblings because his nervous nature makes her bluntness stressful for him, so altho the Love Is There, when they hang out solo they both end up a little weary by the end (if Lizard knows that they have to spend time together alone she’ll drag Kid along just for a social buffer). Feels vaguely out of place in the Clans socially, a feeling he keeps to himself. Shadow gets along well with Talon, whose chill attitude makes him feel at ease. Talon has sort of picked up on the fact that Shadow keeps to himself and will make an effort to chat with him when he’s nearby. Hide hasn’t picked up on any of this at all and isn’t even fully aware of the strength of his anxiety, thinking of him as friendly, happy, and maybe a little hesitant around certain things.

When Hide decided to leave, Shadow was surprised to find he felt a little jealous – not exactly of the choice to leave, but just the fact that Hide was “brave” enough to do so. He spent a lot of time ruminating on this response. He didn’t give Hide much trouble over their decision, but wasn’t outright supportive, either. Just kinda watched it happen.

Daydream Under Moonlight (Daydream)
(she/her, trans woman, hetero asexual)

Short in stature, stern in nature, ironically not very prone to daydreaming. Takes after Brook with regards to emotional expression, but visually is quite similar to Amber with a little dash of Brook (mostly in the face). She joins the Caravan maybe once every two or three years and is a passionate seamstress. She and Hide were pretty close; they often found themselves working on clothes together, although sewing comes a lot more quickly to Daydream than it does to Hide, so it often became more like Daydream was sewing while Hide was watching and learning from Daydream.

Daydream would often follow along with Hide and Lizard when they went on their adventures to make sure no one got hurt, although how much she could have done in the chance that they did is questionable. Once Song started joining them, she mostly just kept track of her, since she was smol. Daydream was born without a tail, which affects her balance, making her a little clumsy. She will sometimes go quadruped if she needs to walk along something that’s risky to cross otherwise.

She has a little crush on a male Tabaxi from Radiant Slopes named Rushing Arrow, Fleeing Deer (Arrow), but hasn’t expressed herself to him as such. They hang out during Gatherings.

Daydream didn’t really know how to process Hide leaving, and was more upset by how upset it made the family and rest of the Clan than anything. She was a little embarrassed over the scandal of it all, and just wished Hide could have worked this out somehow instead of heading off on such a childish quest. Fully rolled her eyes and left the room when the letter where Hide expressed they were taking a break from “military activites” came in. Just, like, “OH OF COURSE”

Raindrop's Song (Song)
(she/her, cis woman, bi)

Outspoken and a little immature. Song is the youngest and was born sometime after Daydream (around five years; Lizard, Hide, and Shadow basically came out on a yearly basis, Ubisoft-game-style, and then Daydream was born a couple years after Shadow). When she was quite young (around 2) she managed to wander away from watching eyes and fell off a small cliff, badly breaking her right arm, which ended up having to be amputated at the elbow (she has very little memory of this, thankfully). Because of this, the rest of the family ended up, like. I don't want to say “babying” her because that’s really infantilising, but basically, like… keeping an eye on her? Making sure she doesn’t get hurt? Being nice to her? It was a traumatic experience for everybody at the time.

She was originally called Raindrop for short, but, after getting into singing around the time Lizard got into music, her family switched to calling her Song. She still sings as a young adult (she was around 17 when Hide left) but just as a hobby, although she does join in with Lizard, Kid and the band on occasion, and Lizard often tries to prompt her to sing while she plays (Lizard just shows up wherever she is holding her mandolin and is like :3 ???). Starting around the age of 5 she used to tag along with Lizard, Hide and Daydream as they went on their adventures. She loves exploring, and is always excited for the yearly Caravan travels.

When Hide chose to leave, she was annoyed, not really understanding why Hide would have been so hesitant to leave with the Caravan and then suddenly want to leave permanently. Weren’t the Caravan journeys enough? They were so awesome ): She was pretty sulky when Hide left, something she regretted afterwards, since she wasn’t sure when she’d see them again. Hide always thought of her as their baby sister, and still does. Family-wise, Song is really close with everyone, with no specific people that she feels closest to. Her family makes her feel really safe.

Bonus! Character Ages!

Amber: 51 then, 57 now
Brook: 49 then, 55 now
Lichen: 50 then, 56 now
Talon: 55 then, 61 now

Lizard: 26 then, 32 now
Hide: 25 then, 31 now
Shadow: 24 then, 30 now
Daydream: 22 then, 28 now
Song: 17 then, 23 now

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Non-Familial 🐾

Enveloping Mist of the Frozen Vapour (Mist)
(she/her, cis woman, lesbian)

Mist is an ex-girlfriend of Hide’s. She’s a snow leopard Tabaxi. More info soon!

(she/her, cis woman, lesbian)

Hide strongly dislikes this person. Edwyn was a wealthy Tabaxi that Hide worked under as a bodyguard for some time after they had left the military world behind. Edwyn is a hairless Modern Tabaxi who was abandoned as a child and quickly scooped up by a rich, single aristocratic human woman. Edwyn was subsequently kept as something of a pet by this woman, a life experience that, yes, DID impart a lot of identity-based trauma on her, and inherited this woman’s fortune when she passed away (from Edwyn poisoning her food). Tragically, despite her sad backstory, Edwyn does not gain sympathy points because she is kind of an asshole anyway. She’s not especially empathetic to others and upon becoming rich became a complete jerk and went kind of mad with power, behaviour that was exacerbated by her lack of power throughout her childhood.

Hide was a bodyguard for her and her wife at the time, a Drow named Viconia Blundyth, while they went on a tour through some of the major cities of Modrea. This was an excruciatingly unpleasant experience for Hide as Edwyn was extremely rude and condescending, often ordering Hide to do tasks that went beyond their role as a bodyguard (such as cooking, cleaning, etc.), usually by asking Hide to do something (while lazily not making eye contact), and then, not waiting for an answer, flipping a gold coin at them. If Hide said no, she would usually just flip another coin at them, a behaviour that Hide found so infuriating they just stopped even trying to refuse to do tasks. (Viconia mostly just ignored them, which Hide was grateful for in comparison.)

This all culminated in an incident at the end of the trip (and the end of Hide’s employment under her); Edwyn handed Hide their final payment and then asked, “So… do you wanna fuck, or what?” When Hide responded negatively, Edwyn laughed in Hide’s face and made fun of them for “probably having a small dick anyway”. (Edwyn used this insult for basically anyone, she didn’t really care whether the person she was talking to had a dick or not.) This moment was the closest Hide ever came to beating the shit out of someone who was unarmed. Instead, they just smiled, turned, and walked away. They try not to even think about the experience of working this job; it really hurt their ego. (“I was supposed to be a KNIGHT ;___;”)

Since this point in time (it’s been maybe three years?) Edwyn has completely burned through the majority of her fortune through a combination of terrible financial decisions, unwise business choices, and a loooot of gambling. Her wife also left her. Edwyn still pretends to be rich, and still wears her wedding ring. She doesn’t remember Hide at all and wouldn’t recognize them.

Various People Hide has Technically Met but They’re not Really Friend-Friends?

Serenity (she/her), a tiefling that Hide has worked a couple jobs with before – Serenity (Ren for short, no one really calls her Serenity) used to work as a mercenary but now works as a bouncer at a tavern in a city in Othye; when Hide is in the area they will usually make an effort to drop in to catch up with her.

Hide has played at least one card game with Ren when a friend of hers, Adna (she/her), was present. Adna is a half-elf who also works as a mercenary. They haven’t really had a real conversation, but they know of each other.

There are multiple people that Hide has become casual friends with while working various jobs and living in various places – Hide is pretty friendly so they get along with others relatively easily. If you want to bring up someone who Hide knows you could literally just come up with anybody and be like, “you know this guy”. Hide hasn’t really made any true Friends since they left their Clan, which is kind of lonely, but they also aren’t a completely solitary beast with a good number of friendly acquaintances, so it’s not all bad. Yippee

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